Whelp, not gonna lie that year what not what I was expecting. Like many people I think we thought the worst was behind us in terms of C virus, vaccines and all the other things I don’t care to talk about here. So, let’s just skip right over that and highlight 2021 in it’s glory, sharing the things that filled our hearts with joy and kept our spirits high. Paired with our holiday family photos from our Pitt Lake Photo session with Julie and it makes for one of my favourite posts!
Family Photo Session by: Julie Christine Photography

One of the biggest things for me last year was the launch of Salty Socials. My friend Paige and I joined forces after months and months of humming and hawing about teaming up to start a social media management company and I am so thankful we did! We have been able to meet so many incredible entrepreneurs, working alongside them to bring their social goals to life.

We were able to travel around many areas of BC and AB for photoshoots and content creation. What a dream come true that’s been watching our business grow and give us the ability in employ others in the community as we all work away at doing things we truly love.
Our family was able to get away on a handful of BC trips as well. As much as the kids asked to go away to Hawaii and/or Mexico every week (no joke they ask us all the time) we are holding off on a bigger trip for the time being and we’ve travelled around in what feels like our own backyard.

Ski trips to start off the year were a definite highlight for us all, trips to Mayne Island to our friends property with the family, and ended the year off with a trip just James and I to celebrate my birthday. It was our first trip away from the all the kids EVER for longer than one night!! We explored the Sunshine Coast cidery hopping, hiking and just relaxing in the quaint home on the oceanside. You can see more from that trip here.
Another highlight of the year was being able to create a mural with the HighStreet team. We put our heads together to collaborate and I designed a mural (right here) that was on display for a few months. What a joy it was anytime someone shared a tag in front of it smiling and enjoying my artwork.

This year as we head into 2022 Ezra is officially a TEENAGER. Here we go! Big changes for him as he keeps growing bigger and may just pass me in height this year, we will have to see in next year’s family photos to compare. The girls are both loving school, loving gymnastics and always love socializing, with literally anyone.
I’m still in the works of putting together some goals for the year, that might just have to be another post… or perhaps a goal could be to post more blog posts this year than last because there really wasn’t very many!

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