xo Codi Lynn

 I love getting out to adventure and travel with my kids. My absolute greatest joy is watching my kids learn and grow through life's daily challenges and successes. 

I started this blog with a passion for motherhood, decor, photography, travel, and all things creative. It has grown into a space that is both welcoming and uplifting for other mothers and creatives.

Because life isn’t perfect, we might as well laugh at ourselves, learn from our mistakes, and share what we’ve learned with others along the way. I’d love to get to know you better, so let's connect!

Read more about how @creativecodilynn came to be in this feature on the Vancouver Guardian.

Come follow along on Instagram and let's adventure together.

a little more about codi...




What's your name?

Food you eat most:

a. pizza
b. cheeseburgers
c. tacos


best way to relax:

one thing on your travel bucket list:

best part about being a mama:

Favourite coffee drink order?

would you rather:

a. sweet
b. salty

something you are proud of:

on the blog