Three Years Old. More then that even because it has already been past her birthday for over a month, even though it only seems like that was last week and her second birthday was a couple months ago…. I really do have to keep reminding myself, I have a Three. Year. Old! This year we […]
Who doesn’t like the excuse to get together with their friends and have a party? With a couple of sweet treats, quilted blankets and a table in the woods this kid’s party was a memorable one for each little person involved.
August 6, 2016
One of my favorite parties to plan are baby showers, whether it is before baby has arrived or afterwards, it is always such a delight. I find great pleasure in blessing and spoiling others and that is just what I had planned for this momma to be. Baby hasn’t arrived yet (due date tomorrow) but […]
July 3, 2016