This post is sponsored by Nestle Pure Life. All views and opinions are my own.
As we start the first week of the new year I want to speak/write out some goals (on our weekly goals free printable download) that I plan to integrate into my life in an effort to create a healthier lifestyle for myself. It is easy to put ourselves to the side when we are caring for our children, but it is important to note that if we aren’t our best it is hard to give our best.
“You can’t pour from an empty cup” is a quote that I was hearing a lot of at the end of last year and it has been motivating me to keep my cup full and charged. Having a “full cup” allows me to provide a better lifestyle for myself and family. In order to do that, I have created some goals that I believe will lead me in the right direction.
Personal Lifestyle Goals for 2017
• Exercise:
For the month of January I am going to aim to intentionally go out for a walk or plan an activity that allows me to get a work-out a minimum of once a week. As the months go by and I get used to adding exercise into my routine, I plan on working my way up to three times a week each month.
• Stay Hydrated:
I know for a fact that I do not drink enough water, I often feel parched and need to be planning a better way to stay hydrated. With the help of my free printable I am aiming to drink a minimum of 5 cups of water a day. As this becomes more second nature I aim to work my way up to having consistent times of the day that I am drinking water and naturally drinking my 8 glasses of water each day.
Tip: Make it easier to reach for water everyday by making sure that water is always available.
• Healthier Eating:
When I am feeling busy, stressed, overwhelmed usually the first thing that goes is eating healthy. Planning out healthier meals needs to start right now and my ultimate goal is to create a diary of healthy meals that fit well into our lifestyle. Eating out shouldn’t be such a habit like it is now. I know that this change, when implemented, will allow the two above changes to be more motivating as well.
• Stay Positive:
I want to create weekly goals and surround myself with positive vibes. Encouragement is something that I like to give but also something that fuels me for reaching my goals and really successful. I am excited to start making these lifestyle changes and seeing the positive changes that it brings to my family and our relationships. When we fuel our bodies with nourishing foods and drink the recommended amount of water each day we are bound to feel happier and live healthier.
To keep track of my goals and to encourage you all to live a healthier and happier lifestyle I have created a free weekly goals printable. I will be checking in a couple times in the next couple months sharing my accomplishments and showing how I have used and filled in my printable.
Looking forward to sharing progress. In the meantime, for more information on the benefits of drinking water for yourself and your children visit the Nestle Waters website.
Click Here to Download ourWeekly Goals FREE Printable
Use this printable to help you keep track your own personal goals week by week.
The squares under each date are used to help track your daily cups of water.
Save each week and see how far you have come at the end of the year. You got this.
The printout provided is so helpful! Your writing is also so neat