I love seeing how our kids favourite things change throughout the year. One of Sophie’s favourite shows on Netflix right now is My Little Pony so that’s what we went with. This My Little Pony Birthday Party was one Sophie asked “next year when it’s my birthday again, can I have the same birthday party Mommy?”
While I was planning her birthday details I was looking up Pony rentals companies to see how much it would cost to have pony rides for the kids. That’s when I thought to ask my friend Paige (@basicbadmom) if they could bring one of their ponies over. I could hardly believe it when she said, yes!
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My Little Pony Birthday Party Highlights
- Pony Rides
- My Little Pony cookies made by Cookies by Andria
- Rainbow edged My Little Pony Cake made by my Mom

I set up the party table with some cookies, cake, popcorn and my little pony party hats for the kids to wear. They are smaller then your typical party hat and worked perfect as little unicorn horns when worn a little forward on the kids heads.
The weather was amazing and most of the party was spent outside with the pony rides and bouncing on the trampoline. Couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful day.

I wanted to have a fun themed party table but also didn’t want to go too crazy on the decor. When I set up my kids birthday parties and share them I always want to show that you don’t need a lot to create a themed party.
I picked a few items from the store that were My Little Pony Birthday Party Themed, the cake toppers were from Walmart (I wanted to order these My Little Pony toys from Amazon but didn’t order in time) and then the plates and napkins were picked up at the dollar store.
We focused on a few key treats, picked up a few decor pieces and voila! A My Little Pony birthday party came to life for our sweet six year old girl.

Wow! What a cool idea 🙂
Thank you!