IT’S HERE, IT’S HERE!! I can’t believe that it’s actually launch day and that I get to share the launch of The Creatives Podcast with all of you. EEk! The first episode is an introduction of myself and Rhiannon as well as covering ‘Five Easy Ways to Grow Your Instagram Following‘. This is one of the number one questions I get when asked about starting a blog and how.

I started my blog and Instagram page about five years ago, and from there, blogging and influencing has grown into a full-time job for me, and I’ve even hired an assistant (my girl Rhiannon in this episode of the podcast).
When I first started blogging, I had no idea about monetizing a blog, or even that you could monetize a blog. The first year was pure hobby and hoping that I would gain connections that would lead me to potential clients after I finished my schooling for Graphic Design.
It took a lot of patience, risk-taking, and research (aka Googling) to start my blog; all very much worth it!
5 Ways to Grow Your Instagram Following with Codi Lynn
*Listen to the podcast to get the full details
- Collaborate and connect – grow relationships
- Hashtags – especially locations + brands
- Giveaways
- Hire a Photographer
- Find ways to get yourself featured other places/bigger sites
Literally couldn’t give you more of a nutshell there. Those are the topics that I cover over on the podcast, want more details. Click the link to start listening to this 16 minute episode.
Thanks so much for checking it out, please do not forget to leave a review and let me know what you love/don’t love. Looking forward to creating more great content and connecting you all with amazing creatives.
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