Be Kind Encouragement Quote

Kind Words Never Go Unnoticed

May 17, 2016

Mom Lifestyle

Standing in line with my black tights, baggy black tee, hair in something that resembles a top knot and second day make up and then I feel a tap on my arm. I am not really in the mood to talk to anyone, I just came from a appointment to figure out why my skin has been so itchy followed by blood-work to make sure nothing is going to effect baby. Deep breath in and I turn around.

“You are so beautiful,” said the middle aged woman.

I felt a weight lift off of me, her simple compliment took the stress I’ve been carrying around disappear for the moment. “Thank you!” was all I could muster up.

She carried on to checkout her groceries and she had me grinning. I continued to think about this compliment and how this woman could have easily kept her thoughts to herself, but instead she listened to her heart and spoke kind words to someone she didn’t even know.

So to the lovely lady that I wish I could have expressed my gratitude more today, “Thank you for blessing me, for making me pause and to stop reflecting on all the ways that I didn’t feel beautiful. You truetruely made my day.”

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