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“Life moves pretty fast.
If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
— Ferris Bueller 

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Newborn Photography of Sisters

One Week With Three

July 30, 2016

I can’t even believe how quickly the time has passed, we have just completed the one week milestone of having Evelyn by our side and like always that time flew by. Come Tuesday (yay for a holiday on Monday and one extra day) James will be headed back to work. My thoughts on that are […]


Mom Lifestyle

Why to choose to have a VBAC

It is a weird feeling having to decide, C-section or VBAC. First time around, you don’t really know what to expect… the thoughts of “How do I know that I am in labour?” and “What does a contraction feel like?” are the main unknowns that floated around my head when thinking about labour. This time, it […]

July 1, 2016


5 Things I would go without during pregnancy

Before I get into this, I just want to note that yes, pregnancy is amazing and I am so increidbly blessed to be gifted with the responsibility and task of carrying a child. That being said, the first time I was pregnant there was a lot of things I didn’t realize would happen to my […]

June 24, 2016


Summerland Family Vacation Tips

A few days ago my sister said to me, “Ok so can we go on our next family vacation to Summerland, where you just went?” and of course I said something like, “UMMM YES! That is exactly want I wanted to propose to everyone.” Long story short my family is made up of four girls […]

May 24, 2016



During pregnancy with both Sophie and this new little one I find that the most common question asked is, “What are you craving?” or “Do you have any cravings?” I think I even get asked that more then, “Do you know what you are having?” question. For those that believe in the different wives tales […]

March 22, 2016


As the seasons are changing from fall to winter I am hanging onto my fall style by incorporating ripped jeans with extra warm cardigans. I have been loving the deep maroons and army greens this season and fell in long with this extra long cardigan from Hunni’s. I love that there are pockets deep enough […]

November 25, 2015


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